Charity Events

working with local charities is something we love to do either as a supplier or a sponsor
Are you looking to hold a fundraising event indoors or outdoors? we can provide all the services required including staging, sound and lighting along with professional DJs and Hosts.
With a selection of outdoor stages all with roof structures able to deal with the great British weather we can ensure your event is able to go ahead even in the rain. Our PA and sound re-enforcement systems are IP rated and can also cope with rain. But of course we always hope for sunshine.
Indoor events are given the same attention to detail, from dinners and fundraisers to awards and performances we can provide the staging, sound and lighting for your next charity event.
We can also help promote your event and raise awareness through our social media platforms and mailing lists.
Unfortunately, we can't work for free but, we do offer amazing discounts on charity events, please do get in touch to discuss you next event.
For more information or just to have a chat over your ideas or plans call us on 0117 9119558